Llana Holistic Spirit


1 hour £50
Reiki with Crystal Therapy Bed - £65

The word Reiki is made up of two Japanese words. “Rei” is translated as “wisdom, knowledge, universal and spiritual”. “Ki” is translated as “life-force energy which surrounds and permeates everything”. Reiki is a Japanese word which stands for Universal Life Force energy.

Everything that exists in the universe is made up of energy and is known by many different names depending on the culture. India (Prana), Chinese (Chi), Egypt (Sekhem & Hai- Djerit) etc. It is said by scientists energy cannot be destroyed or created, it simply changes form.

Reiki has been used for thousands of years and could be said to be as old as human kind. It was a secretive practice and was nearly lost until rediscovered by Dr Mikao Usui in the 20th century. Reiki is for everyone and is open to every belief system. It is not a religion, more a tradition that has been passed from a Reiki Teacher to student through the process of attunment and initiation.

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