As many of you know since I have been a little girl my passion & love for crystals & all things that little different have lead me on an exciting journey of self discovery and magic. I am a strong believer there is a lot out there that we can tap into to help us along our way. Angel messages is one way that we can do that. Our guides are always with us trying to help us stay on the right path and they are always trying to get our attention, in subtle ways. Think of the feeling inside you get when you know it is not the right decision but your head is telling you otherwise. Think of that white feather you see somewhere unexpected when you have a lot on your mind. Think of the feeling that someone is protecting you even when you can't see them. Think of the synchronicity's that occur that take us by surprise - nothing is a coincidence. I could go on and on...... there is just so much, all we have to do is open our hearts and minds and believe. When I am doing an Angel Card Reading. I ask you to take yourself to a quiet space. The reason for this is to form a connection. I ask you to imagine you have someone in front of you who loves you unconditionally and ask them any question you have ever wanted to ask. This is how I find my readings work, other's are different but I find this works best when I am not with you. I need you to be on-line at the time of the reading. I then post you a private message. If you would like a reading please contact me. Sending you love and light. Llana x